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Pre-Employment Medicals

Pre-Employment Medicals

Pre-employment Medical

Understanding the Importance of Pre-Employment Medicals

Pre-employment medicals are a crucial part of the hiring process, ensuring both employers and employees are protected. At Territory Medical, we offer pre-employment medical tests to evaluate a candidate’s fitness for the role, identifying any potential health risks or concerns. By making pre-employment medicals a standard practice, employers can build a healthier, more productive workforce – a valuable investment for any forward-thinking business.

How Pre-Employment Medicals Reduce Risks

Pre-Employment Medicals: Protecting workplace safety and employee wellbeing is important. Pre-employment medical checks are an effective way for Australian employers to manage health risks and maintain a productive workforce. 

Comprehensive medicals with a reputable provider can identify underlying conditions that could impact performance, providing insights into a candidate’s fitness and suitability. 

These medicals are beneficial in protecting employees themselves, ensuring they are fit for their roles, and preventing potential health issues. Territory Medical doctors are there to support employees throughout this process, making it a collaborative effort for everyone’s benefit.

Pre-Employment Medicals Services

We offer Pre-employment medical assessments tailored for various industries. Our Occupational Nurse coordinates appointments for Pre-Employment Medicals, Industry-Specific Medicals, and Executive Medicals, ensuring seamless scheduling. Our services include:

Experience the efficiency and expertise of our team in facilitating these crucial assessments for prospective employees across diverse sectors.

How to Book an Appointment

To book a pre-employment medical, call Territory Medical at (08) 8948 4333

FAQs about pre-employment medicals

A pre-employment medical exam is a comprehensive health assessment by a medical professional before starting a new job. This evaluates the applicant’s physical and mental suitability for the role’s demands. 

The exam typically reviews the candidate’s medical history, conducts a physical check-up, and runs diagnostic tests. This allows the employer to identify any conditions or health risks that could impact the individual’s ability to perform their duties safely and effectively. 

The assessment helps employers make informed hiring decisions, determine workplace accommodations, and ensure ongoing health monitoring. It also protects employee wellbeing and complies with health and safety regulations. 

The specific requirements may vary by industry, job responsibilities, and local laws, but the overall purpose is to evaluate the candidate’s fitness for the role and promote a healthy, productive workforce.

Employers often require job applicants to undergo a pre-employment medical exam before joining the company. This serves several key purposes:Ensuring Fitness: The medical helps determine if a candidate can physically and mentally perform the job’s essential functions, especially for roles requiring physical labour or operating machinery. Identifying Risks: 

The exam can uncover pre-existing conditions that could pose risks in the workplace. Employers have a duty to maintain safety. Regulatory Compliance: Some industries have health and safety regulations that pre-employment medicals help employers meet before hiring new staff. 

Accommodating Needs: Medicals allow employers to identify and make reasonable adjustments for disabilities or special requirements. Overall, the pre-employment medical is an important tool to help employers make informed hiring decisions and fulfil their obligations to worker health and safety.

If you have a medical condition, you may still pass a pre-employment physical exam with accommodations. 

Be upfront about your situation and work closely with the examining physician. As long as you can safely perform the job’s core responsibilities, your condition should not automatically disqualify you. 

Proactively communicate with the employer about your abilities, limitations, and needed accommodations. With open dialogue and flexibility, a solution can often be found.

Generally, employers typically cover the cost of pre-employment medical examinations. Employers often require these assessments to ensure candidates are fit for the role and do not pose health and safety risks. 

However, there may be exceptions or variations in certain industries or organisations, where the cost is shared between the employer and prospective employee. It’s best to check with the employer or medical provider to understand the specific arrangements.

When preparing for a pre-employment medical, wear comfortable, loose clothing. Avoid jewellery or accessories that could interfere with tests. 

Choose breathable fabrics and closed-toe shoes that are easy to remove. Dressing this way will help the process go smoothly.

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